after of we install CentOS 8.4.2105 and BEFORE of install cPanel:
PHP Code: [root@pepsi]# systemctl --no-pager -l restart network.service
[root@pepsi]# systemctl restart network.service
after of we install cPanel 96.0 (build 9):
PHP Code: [root@pepsi]# systemctl --no-pager -l restart network.service
(the connection to server DEAD, not exist response, result, "second line")
I believe the most important file aboout netwrok service is Code:
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0and this is the content: Code:
DEVICE=enp2s0 ONBOOT=yes BOOTPROTO=none IPADDR=My.Ip.Public PREFIX=32 GATEWAY=Ip.For.Customers DEFROUTE=yes IPV6INIT=yes IPV6ADDR=Ip.For.Customers::2/64 IPV6_DEFAULTGW=fe80::1 IPV6_DEFROUTE=yesplease some idea about how we can fix the error?
in forms cPanel nobody reply, perhaps because MODERATOR reply "open ticket", and yes, we open ticket but:
The answer from cPanel support:
"""We are not able to assist with networking configurations, the networking configuration of your server is not modified or configured by cPanel/WHM this would be best performed by your host/data center or a qualified systems administrator. BYE."""
The answer from ISP support:
""" We give to you TEMPLATE of CentOS 8, if you connect in begin, then NOT IS our problem. Reinstall template. BYE. """